Last month we had "World Mental Health Day" and it struck a chord with me to share a practice. This year has been very challenging for many people. We have had to adapt and ponder many intense events while being isolated from many of our usual routines & relationships. I feel that is important for us all to be aware, support our own mental health and reach out for support. Even if we are feeling ok at this time.
Doing a reflective inventory of the various facets of our health can help us identify where we may need extra attention or support in the colder months to come.
My invitation is for you to take a few moments today with a paper & pen or a voice recorder to ask yourself a few questions.
How would I rate the following areas of my health on a scale of 1-10?
Then take a few minutes to journal or brainstorm and make a plan to improve the areas with lower numbers.
Some questions you can ask your self: what physical activity have done in the past that I enjoyed? Do I need another care provider? Who may want to join me in creating a new routine? Is there a new appointment I want to make? What is a new affordable hobby I could start or haven't picked up recently? Looking back on last winter, what advice would I give to myself? What activities nourish me? Who would I call if I was having a bad day? What herbal allies do I want to help support me for the rest of the year?
After you have reflected. Circle the key words. Make a seperate list, mind map or something creative that highlights the tools, goals or people you are choosing to help support your health.
Place your creation somewhere that you will see daily. Use it as a reminder, to set goals or even let other see what tools they can suggest to you.
Feel free to message me to tell me how it goes, ask any questions or if you'd like to do this with company or support 💓